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Version: 2.0

How to get NFTs by creator(s)


Before getting started, make sure you have the following ready:

  • Node v.14+ or Python
  • NPM/Yarn or Pip

Step 1: Setup Moralis​

First register your Moralis account and get your Moralis API Key.

Once you have your Moralis API Key, install the Moralis SDK in your project.

npm install moralis

Step 2: Get NFTs By Creator(s)​

In order to get NFTs by creator(s), Moralis provides you a getNFTsByCreators endpoint to do so.

Here you'll need three parameters: limit, creatorAddress and network.

Once you have obtained the limit, creatorAddress and network, you can copy the following code:

const Moralis = require("moralis").default;

const runApp = async () => {
await Moralis.start({
apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
// ...and any other configuration

const limit = 10;
const creatorAddresses: ["0xf932dcb9835e681b21d2f411ef99f4f5e577e6ac299eebee2272a39fb348f702"];
const network = "mainnet";

const response = Moralis.AptosApi.nfts.getNFTsByCreators({



Step 3: Run the script​

To run the script, enter the following command:

node index.js

In your terminal, you should see the following JSON response:

"collection_data_id_hash": "7ac8cecb76edbbd5da40d719bbb9795fc5744e4098ee0ce1be4bb86c90f42301",
"collection_name": "Aptos Monkeys",
"creator_address": "0xf932dcb9835e681b21d2f411ef99f4f5e577e6ac299eebee2272a39fb348f702",
"default_properties": {},
"description": "",
"description_mutable": true,
"largest_property_version": "0",
"last_transaction_timestamp": "2022-10-25T18:01:10.000Z",
"name": "AptosMonkeys #3652",
"last_transaction_version": "12598823",
"maximum": "1",
"maximum_mutable": true,
"metadata_uri": "ipfs://bafybeihnochxvsv6h43qvg4snenpeasoml66nwxhuiadfzkefix7vbetyq/3652.json",
"payee_address": "0x89e272841c2381ec63e7d8ccf6a70bd784b2a9dda6d6425aeb31657f4a5619c0",
"properties_mutable": true,
"royalty_mutable": true,
"royalty_points_denominator": "10000",
"royalty_points_numerator": "500",
"token_data_id_hash": "00064cd1e0206b281345c3169e3c5d738bc0a7b0623d3451baab10a91bd43cdb",
"supply": "1",
"uri_mutable": true

Congratulations πŸ₯³ You just got the NFTs by creator(s) with just a few lines of code using the Moralis NFT API!

Youtube Video​

API Reference​

If you want to know more details on the endpoint and optional parameters, check out:


If you face any trouble following the tutorial, feel free to reach out to our community engineers in our Discord or Forum to get 24/7 developer support.